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Temperature Check Survey

  • The district partnered with Hanover Research to analyze and present independent results of the climate/temperature check survey administered by Irving ISD.

    The key objectives of the survey were to: 

    • Assess stakeholders' perceptions of the current culture and climate in the district
    • Identify what stakeholders indicate areas of strength and areas of development, specifically areas such as the school/building environment, academic environment, school environment, and stakeholder inclusiveness
    • Used as a diagnostic tool to highlight areas of improvement
    • Used as a baseline for Reflective & Collaborative Practices
    • Metrics for district and campus leaders to analyze and recalibrate

    The survey was conducted from May 3rd to May 26th, 2022. 

Satisfaction Scores by Survey Categories

  • For a comprehensive view of overall perceptions across the areas that were surveyed, satisfaction grades for each area were determined. These scores assisted with further inquiries on improvement efforts across the district.  


Interpretation of Satisfaction Grades

  • A guide on how to interpret the satisfaction scores for all survey questions within each category:  
