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Forms Management

  • Forms management is the process by which Irving ISD analyzes the needs for a form and works to create the best possible method of obtaining the information while maintaining continuity and preventing redundancies with all other district forms.

Approved District Forms

  • All district forms should be submitted to Document Services for records classification, approval, and inventory purposes.  A form information sheet and template of the form (new or revised) must be submitted for proper approval.  New forms and revisions to approved forms require a form approval to be completed.

    Form Information (769-010.5)

    Approval (769-0Form 10)

    Form Approval Workflow

    1. Department or campus submits a form template, Form Approval (Form #769-010) and Form Information (Form #769-010.5) to the Office Manager of Document Services.
    2. Document Services will review the submitted documents and classify the form for records retention purposes. 
    3. The form will then be sent to Communications for proper formatting and template design. 
    4. Document Services will circulate the template and Form Approval (Form #769-010), as needed.
    5. Once Approval Form is complete, the form will be inventoried as an Approved District Form and sent to proper locations for access and use.