• Food and Nutrition sub header

After-School Meals


    ATTN Principals: Through the After-School Meal Program, the Food & Nutrition Services Department can provide meals at no cost to your students who are involved in after-school academic and/or enrichment programs. All meals will be distributed through the cafeteria serving line at qualified campuses.


    To qualify your campus, at least one after-school program must meet the following criteria:

    • Open to all students aged 18 and under
    • Include education or enrichment activities in organized, structured and supervised environments.
      • Note: Programs that include supervised athletic activity along with education and/or enrichment activities may participate in this program; however, organized athletic programs engaged in interscholastic sports cannot be approved.
    • Operate after the end of the regular school day (after the last bell rings).
    • Meet/occur regularly for the duration of the program.
    • Have a means of providing an updated list of program participants for the cafeteria manager (first name, last name and age).

    To apply for the After-School Meal Program, complete the application form for each group requesting after school-meals.


    Application forms MUST be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of the program. The person identified on the application form as the “contact person” will be notified of the approval or non-approval of the program within three school days.


    We look forward to serving your students healthy and delicious meals!